Saturday, April 13, 2013

Sewing Strips for Rugs

As everyone else awaits warmer spring weather, I cherish these colder days as they give me more time to weave and get rags ready to weave.  Soon I will spend most of my time outdoors.  I like that, too, but I will miss weaving.  

It was rather dark and I was unsure what I wanted to do differently on the next rug.  For some, denim is denim.  For me it is a challenge to enhance it, add variety and interest and of course, use up the huge pile of denim that I have.

While I was figuring it out, I took a break and I headed upstairs to sew strips together for weft in rugs.  The cat appeared from nowhere, and thought she would "help."

I sewed strips together.  I had finished up one color, and then moved on to pink. 

The scraps will be filler in future dog and cat beds
I kept thinking of the Robert Frost poem "Stopping by a Woods on a Snowy Evening," except I kept saying miles to sew before I sleep!

And it did come to me - a rug with no fringe on the ends and a pattern of one shot of denim and one shot of warp as weft.

The white is the previous rug's fringe, then the edge that will be folded under and sewn, and now rug number three.  Ken likes the contrast with the white filler and dark weft. Next rug!

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