Monday, April 30, 2012

Piglets are Here

Most years we have pigs.  We get small feeder pigs from our local pig farmer.  During the course of the growing season the pigs eat lots of vegetables people do not eat.  They love the bottoms of cabbage plants, broccoli plants, wilted spinach, corn stalks - that sort of thing.  We only get as many pigs as we have ordered. 

Today we went and got the pigs.  They are very excited to leave their barn and hit the big outdoors where they can dig up roots and grubs and dig through leaves and find acorns.  

Within minutes of their arrival, the piglets all have dirty noses from digging.

They have a "nanny" in Oscar the dog - they are his to watch, herd and guard.

So little and so active and cute.  And smart.  Welcome to Keppers, pigs

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