Saturday, August 27, 2011

Cutting Wood - in August?

Usually we cut wood in the fall or winter. But this year because Ken is clearing a larger space for the mobile high tunnel, he is taking down some trees.

And once a tree comes down, he assesses how best to use it. We are running the brush through the chipper borrowed from Resilient Northern Habitats.

The chips are loaded into a manure buggy and piled in the field.

He decides if any trees are good for lumber and takes them out with his winch.

Then he cuts wood in one of three lengths: 40" for firing the pottery kiln, or 20" for the wood stove on the bottom floor where the studio is or 16" for the wood cook stove on the main floor of the house.

The wood is loaded onto a trailer and brought to the yard . Even the "poles" are useful for the pottery kiln and cook stove.

Long pieces are cut to shorter lengths on the buzz saw.

Wide pieces are run through the splitter.

As Ken is buzzing or splitting, I am stacking in one of the three piles.

And often my piles lean!

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