Field Notes. Ken has moved into two fall tasks in the field: clearing the hot weather crops from the high tunnel and digging roots for us to store in the root cellar. He plans to plant more crops in the high tunnel, and plant green manures as he takes out root crops.
In the garden Ken is setting up spaces for hoops and getting hoops over crops. Planting continues for fall and spring greens.
And meanwhile, he is also moving and sorting bags of leaves for various tasks - placing bags around the base of the chicken coops and dog houses for insulation over winter and then mulch next season.
From the Kitchen. We lit the cook stove and have begun baking and roasting - the house smells like fall as Ken takes the squash with blemishes and makes pie.
This week's vegetables have some summer foods like eggplant and peppers and some winter ones like leeks. The eggplant and peppers would be tasty cooked kinpira style. See the August 31st blog entry for that recipe.
The fennel is too late to bulb, but would be delicious with some carrots. These smaller carrots are the ones that were not big enough to store in the root cellar. They would be lovely boiled and then combined with wilted kale - beautiful texture and color variation.
Happy Halloween to all who celebrate it.
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