Field Notes. FROST on Saturday night and again on Sunday night. We still have some heat loving crops in the box this week from the hoop house. And we are not complaining - average frost date is mid September, so we have had a longer season than average for many vegetables.
Now we move on to the "Big Dig" as we start digging and storing roots for fall and winter boxes. The plan is to dig potatoes later in the week, and then move on to the sweet potatoes and the ones we store in sand in the root cellar.
And Ken has carved out more time to work on the new pig shelter - check the blog in near future for the photo once completed and moved on location for habitation.
From the Kitchen. This week we have an interesting mix in the box. Ken has been making white sauces and cheese sauces for members of the brassica family - cabbage, cauliflower, turnips and rutabagas. Melt a couple tablespoons of butter in a heavy skillet, saute chopped leeks and peppers, add and cook a couple tablespoons of flour. Add milk, stirring to avoid lumps. For cheese sauce add some dry mustard with flour and grated cheese at the end.
And previously on the blog I have posted another cauliflower recipe. Enjoy.
These beans are a real treat - it is the latest we have ever had fresh green beans. I like beans with ginger and garlic, or with umeboshi vinegar or just butter.
The Romaine lettuce is a classic for Caesar salads. I also like to make a dressing with garlic and feta cheese, a bit of vinegar, olive oil, honey, salt and pepper. I use this on spinach salads and even cooked chard as well.
Photo is of me in many layers at Turtle Lake Farmers market last Saturday.
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