Friday, December 17, 2010

Judith Leaves Again

Wow! I went to a Tai Chi workshop in Chicago last weekend. My instructor, Roger had planned to go and gave me a ride, and the Taoist Tai Chi Society found me a most delightful home stay. Ken brought me to Amery and we left from Indigo Iris in Amery, and headed south.

When we arrived Saturday morning we all made name tags and one man had come all the way from New York City. He was next to me when we did our set of 108 moves, and I kept thinking his tai chi was really good. Well then I learned he was there to lead the workshop!

I did morning and afternoon workshops on Saturday and attended the Chicago branch holiday party. Since we are not big sweet eaters, I brought gingered carrots to go with the Asian food. And many people sought me out to say they were great - and I had to confess Ken, not I made them! It was so nice to visit with all the other students and teachers - very welcoming and supportive.

We decided to leave before the afternoon workshop on Sunday and the only dicey road conditions seemed to be between the Dells and Eau Claire. Good to be home and grateful Ken held down and plowed out the fort! And I have so much more to practise.

Thanks to Roger, the members of the Chicago branch, and my home stay hosts Barbara and Ray.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Judith!

    We were very glad to have you and Roger visit Chicago and Arlington Heights and take part in our Taoist Tai Chi internal arts of health Regional Winter Intensive and party.

    Hope to see you when we come up in the summer to do a local Intensive there.

    All the best!

    Jean Latz Griffin
    Taoist Tai Chi Society USA
    Midwest Branch
