Field Notes. Once the weather changed, Ken has been busy. He got compost out to the medium tunnel in the field - a six gallon bucket every four feet.
And he got ready to move the mobile tunnel off the greens to its summer location. Today a crew came and helped move the mobile high tunnel to the summer spot.
Now the greens are cooler outside the greenhouse and the soil inside is heating up. Once the soil is warm, Ken can transplant the hot season crops.
Ken also moved the chickens out of the garden so he could get it ready to plant. For now the chickens are under the watchful gaze of a lawn buddha
From the Kitchen. This week Ken has begun harvesting greens that were under the mobile green house until today. He was concerned they were getting too warm - odd after this generally cool, cloudy spring! So we have some spinach - a versatile green. We enjoy it in a salad - I like to use ricotta or feta cheese in the dressing. I also saute onion, wilt spinach and serve warm with cream or vinegar and cream. It is great in omelets or cream soups. When spinach is added, menus usually use Florentine - tomato soup Florentine.
We have some cool weather herbs - chervil is often found in French fine herb blends. It is a beautiful green, fresh delicate flavor. We like it added to egg dishes.

'Til Next Week, Judith and the crew
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