Greetings from the Garden! this week's CSA box has potatoes, celery root, carrots, onions, garlic, squash, turnips, black or daikon radishes, greens, and the first spinach of the season. Field Notes. Ken has been planting inside and in the long medium tunnel in the field. He is juggling plants in several places - a hoopette in the garden, greens inside and out of the mobile high tunnel, seeded areas in both the mobile high tunnel and the medium tunnel in the field. This week Ken has been wrapping up projects as well. We are nearing the end of the maple syrup season. And Ken has been felling trees. Over the decades he has selectively cut and now the large oaks and maples are shading growing areas - garden, orchard, mobile high tunnel and field. Last season we had a dramatic reminder as we could see the crops were smaller in the part of the row that was shaded part of the day.
Spinach from last season
From the Kitchen Greens are growing! Seeds are sprouting! these transition times of year are full of drama. Today we start with spinach form the garden and field outside the mobile high tunnel - great in salad, added to eggs or steamed or creamed. I love feta cheese in salad dressing on spinach.
Ken's squash pie
And I have been savoring several of the vegetables that will be ending soon - winter squash, for example. With these last few cool grey days it has been nice to light the oven and bake potatoes and squash.
It is egg season and so I have been making mayonnaise for deviled eggs and and also making custard. Maybe I will make spinach quiche!
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