Sunday, November 8, 2015

Root Cellaring

When Ken built his dwelling and studio, he set aside a part for root cellar.  Little did we know we would be storing produce for our CSA!  Each season I experiment with how and what and how much we store. 

Potatoes are boxed so they do not turn green from sunlight. 

Other root vegetables like celeriac, beets, carrots, rutabagas, winter radishes and such go in barrels of sand. 

I used to use taller 33 gallon barrels, but getting to the bottom became a challenge for my back! 

This year I am trying larger cut off barrels.

And some vegetables are going in re-used waxed boxes from a couple of natural food stores.  These boxes cannot be recycled so we feel good that they are getting a second life before entering the waste stream!

Here is a photo of my progress so far - still more to do!

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