Field notes. Snow! We are happy to see it - snow acts as a blanket; it tempers fluctuations in temperature, and slows the frost dropping down into the soil. With the unfrozen ground, the moisture is absorbed and doesn't run off. All good news for soil and future crops.
The snow and cold push us to wrap up fall tasks. Ken has finished digging roots as of yesterday, and is deciding what he can plant in the high tunnel. This is a new experimental space for Ken - he is familiar with his low hoopettes and knows what they can and can't do, but the high tunnel, although similar, is a different ecosystem for him.
The pigs went this week and Ken worked at getting the area ready for future planting - picking rocks, leveling it out, and planting rye. It all takes time.
And the seed catalogs have begun to arrive!
From the Kitchen. I think of this as the Thanksgiving box. So we have sage, a herb that shines when its flavor is sealed - like in a stuffing or baked egg dish or biscuits. I also put shallots in this box as the best stuffing we ever had was made with shallots.
And we have some huge sweet potatoes. Ken is quite proud as an experiment paid off this year for nice sweet potatoes. They can be baked or boiled or combined with white potatoes in a scalloped potato recipe. Enjoy!
I have had people come up the driveway to buy Brussels sprouts and rutabagas as those vegetables are part of their essential Thanksgiving menu. Whatever your menu, we wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks for your great updates! I've visited often for your pottery & am always happy to get updates. I didn't realize until this year that you also sold vegetables & meat. I am soon to order!