Ken and I have been moving chickens. The chicks we acquired in August have outgrown their hoop coop, so Ken, our friend Evan, and I moved the teen spring hatched chickens from the south coop: cockerels to the hoop coop and the young pullets in with the older birds in the north coop. That meant the south coop was open for the youngsters, and they now sleep in coop, and free range during the day. The cockerels will get butchered once they are big enough - soon. But meanwhile Ken got some hay and set the hoop coop on bales so he can add plenty of bedding material for them to stay warm during the night.
During the day Ken opens up their coop - the warmer the day, the more sun they get. They hop up on the hay bales and preen in the sun. And they aren't the only ones to sit in the sun on a warm day!
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