Why is Ken so happy? He has leaves! On Thursday, afternoon, the men and the garbage truck came with a full load of bagged leaves from the spring cleanup. They wanted to finish the job before it started to rain and so did we!

Once the leaves arrive, we unbag them and make a pile. Ken uses the leaves for mulching, and in the compost blend he will use next year in the potting mix and as a soil amendment. Compost is often called black gold as it is beautiful, dark, rich soil. Ken will turn the leaves and stack them with the front end loader, or some years we fence the pigs in the pile and they turn the leaves for us.
Leaf matter is one component of the mix for compost. This year's blend also has llama bedding from Don, some horse manure from Judy, and our chicken bedding. We are always w

Now we just have to get rid of those bags of about 500 empty bags!
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