Field Notes. Well, Planting continues for the winter mixes. Ken has finished his germination - growing cabinet. He has worked with heat mats and windows for years, and now he hopes this cabinet will solve the variables in temperature, humidity and light.
This month I sort seeds and also at the end of this month or start of February Ken starts full season crops like onions and celery and celery root.
From the Kitchen. During the cold weather we had the wood stove and cook stove going a good part of the day, so it was time for baking and slow cooking. Baked roasts with roasted vegetables, or braised pot roasts on the cook stove with vegetables. I also pulled some blemished winter tomatoes an made a sauce for pasta and also soup.
Cabbage is such a versatile vegetable. I cut a head and use part for one meal and more for the next day. Some of our favorites - Save the bacon fat, fry onion, saute the cabbage and add an interesting vinegar like sherry or balsamic. Saute onion, add cabbage add a little flour and some milk for creamed cabbage. I also add cabbage to soups and stews a few minutes before serving.
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