Field Notes. Ken has been making compost and potting soil. He uses our poultry bedding and leaves and hay that has been in a pile for months. He loads it into a manure spreader and then spreads or piles it. Most went to a pile by the mobile high tunnel, but he put some on one mobile tunnel location where the chickens are currently located. They will stir it and it will amend the soil for next season. Ken also purchased gypsum. Just as calcium makes strong bones, calcium in gypsum is necessary for sturdy healthy plants
I have been working in the root cellar. Ken has been harvesting roots and cabbage and I have been boxing and burying in sand. Soon he will harvest more and the root cellar will be pretty full - always a good feeling.
From the Kitchen. Last week I made some scalloped sweet potatoes. They were a nice side dish to some barbecue chicken wings.I also peel, boil and slice sweet potatoes and warm in butter for a quick side dish as well.
Daikon radishes and black radishes are so good in fall. Here is our friend Jenny with a daikon. Many people grate them and add to slaw or salad. Daikon is also added to soups and in Japan Ken had boiled daikon on a stick with mustard. May be a while before we see that at the state fair in Minnesota!
'Til Next Week
Judith and Ken
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