Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Harvest Newsletter

Greetings from the Garden!  This week's CSA box has salad and braising greens - lettuce, spinach, mustard, pea shoots, edible flowers, bok choy and napa cabbage, radishes, green onions, asparagus, and strawberries.

Field Notes - Ken is a blur these days - so much to do.  He has been weeding the perennial crops like  asparagus and strawberries, mowing and turning green manure in preparation to plant later crops, planting the end of full season crops like squash and melons. 

He is also working with a fellow bee keeper to reestablish a queen in one of his hives.  Our source has sent five queens and only one might be viable - not very good odds!

I have been picking strawberries and setting up the pea fences.  The first crop in the garden is blooming.  Soon I will be picking!

From the Kitchen. Green onions and garlic scapes!  I always welcome those fresh, pungent members of the onion family.  Ken made some mixed herb pesto - pesto means paste in Italian and there are infinite types and he used some chervil pictured at left - and added garlic scapes; it was so nice to taste that fresh garlic flavor.  It is great to have some pesto on hand for a quick pasta supper.  I went out one afternoon and came in to find Ken had made pasta with pesto - what a treat!

I love green onions in just about everything.  I use the white part to saute - eggs at breakfast, stir fry with bok choy at mid day, and the green tops as garnish and in tossed green salad for supper.

'Til Next Week, Judith

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