Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Piglets are Here!

Each year for nearly two decades we have raised pigs.  We get small, weaned piglets from a local man, and raise them on sprouted, organic feed and vegetable culls like the broccoli plants people do not eat, but pigs enjoy.

Ken also grazes them sequentially.  He decides on places and areas he wants tilled as pigs love to dig and eat weeds and their roots.  We do a three year rotation so they have new ground to dig - some years they expand the garden or clear a fence line.  Ken makes sure they have some shade - they love the woods.

We only get as many piglets as we have orders.  People order a half or whole pork and have it cut and packed as they want it.  

I just heard an interview on Splendid Table on Public Radio.  The interviewee had written a book - Pig Tales.  He had done research and reported that 97% of the pigs in this country never get to see the light of day.  I have ordered the book through our inter library loan system.  

These pigs are part of the team here on the farm.  They dig and cycle garden culls.  They add to the farm's fertility.  They are content here and we feel gratitude for all they do.

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