Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Big Pig Rodeo

A week ago we had the big pig rodeo. Each year Ken starts the pigs in softer soil nearer the house and increases their pasture weekly. About this time each season they are ready for a larger project that is not adjacent to their starting spot. So we have to move them.

In the beginning we had to learn how to move pigs. If pigs get out, they do not stay together, but go in separate directions and are difficult to get together and back inside their area.

Now we have it down to a science, but I still call it the big pig rodeo. This year they have moved to the side of the road to the field. When we moved them it was quite overgrown.

Within a week they have it dug up and now Ken will begin their weekly expansion so they have fresh soil to dig for the rest of the season.

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