Friday, June 11, 2010

Cucumber Fence

What did we do in the rain this morning? Got the cucumber fence installed. Joe came and helped. My reach is a bit short for flipping the taller sections, and Ken can't quite do it alone.

This was a time we could all get together - no market, no deliveries, etc. Ken and I were done with the bottom panels and Joe arrived just in time for those crucial top ones.

We like to use a fence for cucumbers - more efficient use of valuable garden real estate. It also keeps the fruit off the ground so they don't rot if we get long periods of rain (not a problem the last four years). And we get a higher percentage of straighter fruit. We noticed early on we came home from farmers markets with all the curved cucumbers - even beautiful ones!

After the fence was up, Ken offered a tour. Two farmers always seem to enjoy comparing notes - even in the rain.

And then there was the pesty photographer saying, "Smile, Men."

Thanks, Joe.

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